Flixton Primary Image

Year 2 - Maths

Lesson: Maths

Year 2 children worked on an 'all possibility' problem. They had the following information:

This is all about putting green cubes on top of red cubes with some simple rules.
1) The red cubes must be touching the floor (or table top etc.).
2) The green cubes must not be touching the floor.
3) All the cubes are interlocking cubes so they can only be joined square face to square face.
4) The green cubes are next to each other.

The children talked about how they might solve this problem and then had a go. They discovered that they needed to work systematically and work in an organised way in order to check that they had all the different ways.

The children worked in groups and all had different coloured cubes.

The most ways found during the lesson was 21.